Device: KeyMander 2
Keymander2 app won't connect with Keymander2 (GE1337P2)
I read and followed instructions. I watched videos.
The instructions mention a wireless keyboard option, but I didn't notice a wireless mouse option specifically mentioned in the instructions. I've seen online where IOGEAR and others mention using both a wireless keyboard and mouse. Will that indeed work?
I'm connecting my Keymander2 (K2 hereafter) device to my factory PS4 controller through USB in the correct K2 device USB slot.
I have a wireless USB keyboard. It's a Logitech G915 TKL. Keyboard is turned on and in wifi connection mode with wifi keyboard receiver in the correct K2 USB slot.
I have a Logitech G Pro wireless mouse turned on with wifi receiver in the correct K2 USB slot.
I connected the K2 device my PS4. The K2 lit up with solid ight blue color.
I have the K2 app installed on my Google Pixel 7 phone with GPS/location already turned on.
I went through the app instructions step by step to get all the USB connections in place as described above. When I get to the step of pairing the K2 device with my phone K2 app, the K2 LED indicator light is pulsing some after I push the Bluetooth pair push button, but the app just stays on the step where it's trying to connect and never connects.
The K2 device has never indicated that it's not having enough power, but I went ahead and tried connecting the power to the K2 device and repeating the process. Got the same results.
With everything set up this way, my PS4 controller is lit up with a solid light and I am able to navigate my PS4 menus with the controller.
01/09/2023 10:07 PM
Good morning,
If you are having issues finding the K2 entirely and does not give you the option to select/connect, it sounds like you are experiencing the recently found incompatibility issue.
This issue is currently being looked into by our engineers. It seems to be a new compatibility issue with Android 13 on the latest app version.
You can try to install the previous version of the app with the link below as a temporary solution while the app gets updated. Please uninstall the current version that you currently have before trying to install this version.
Download link: HERE
01/10/2023 8:37 AM
Switching over to the previous version of the app worked. Thank you. I was able to connect the Keymander2 device to the Keymander2 app on my Android phone.
Now two additional problems surfaced, so I still haven't been able to use my purchase.
New Issue #1: The problem that I'm having now is that the mouse left click does not work, but the right click see seems to at least open a menu. Note: The keyboard is working fine.
New Issue #2: I don't know my Keymander2 password and cannot get the Keymander2 app for web page to help me reset it . I tried to download a Call of duty modern warfare 2 profile from the Keymander2 app game center and it prompted me to enter my password for some strange reason even though I'm logged into my app.
Anyway, I tried to log in and couldn't remember my password, so I tried to get it to email me so I can reset my password. When I tried to do this I got an error: "Failed to request forgot password" and error code KM2-APP-PR10. When I go to my desktop PC and try to get my password sent to me, it behaves as if it was successful, but I never get an email.
01/17/2023 10:40 PM
I double checked on our end, but the password reset seems to be functioning both through the app and the website (both are synced).
Haven't seen that error code before... I sent it over for review and will keep you posted!
01/18/2023 2:37 PM
If a password reset email could be pushed to my account email on file, that would be great as my phone is keeping me logged in and, if that stops, I won't be able to view the assistant that I'm able to find here, including how to reset my password.
01/18/2023 2:38 PM
Please disregard the password reset issue. I was able to resolve it by using the Google Chrome browser instead of my default web browser.
Now I just need to figure out why my PS4 doesn't respond to mouse left-clicks at all and just opens a menu on right-clicks. Any suggestions?
The Keymander2 has the wireless keyboard working, just not the wireless mouse.
Thank you.
01/18/2023 11:32 PM
Glad to hear.
So, you are unable to map the left key to any buttons through the K2 app?
01/19/2023 8:15 AM
Everything started working except the mouse. The mouse pointer never was visible and left clicking with the mouse did nothing. In spite of this, right clicking on the mouse seemed to activate a response on the PS4 through the Keymander2, because a menu on the PS4 would at least open in response.
Today, it's back to where the Keymander2 app won't connect again. I wondered if the version updated to what was the latest version of the app that was causing the pairing to not work on the latest Android. I looked and the Keymander2 app was version 1.1.109.
Since that version wasn't working, just like before, I went back and installed the prior version through the link that you sent me. Me. That installed version 1.1.108. however, this time that didn't fix the issue. So I'm back to where I can't even connect the app to the device.
Do you guys have support where someone can call me? If not I think I'm going to send this thing back. I've got a job, and this is starting to feel like another one. I bought this to have fun and relax. Not what's happening. This thing needs to work or go back.
01/22/2023 6:09 PM
Good morning,
Please ensure that you completely uninstall the application prior to installing through the provided link.
You can prevent auto-updates by going to the Google Play Store's settings a toggling off.
This is really the only temporary solution for Android 13 at this time unfortunately. It is being worked on, but we are waiting on our engineers to implement the fix. This issue is a priority at this time.
If everything is working except for the mouse, this would indicate an incompatible mouse. Just to confirm, when you try mapping on the K2 app and when it says, " listening" it does not register left and right click.
01/23/2023 10:30 AM
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