Device: KeyMander 2
Keyboard Mapping
Im trying to map button to different locations and when I do it on my phone it doesn’t change on my keyboard
11/09/2022 5:27 PM
So, you are able to successfully map the key in the K2 app then click save at the top right, but it does not register the change?
Is that same key assigned to a different button?
Are you able to get default key mapping functions to work in-game (WASD)?
11/10/2022 9:14 AM
11/10/2022 1:50 PM
Is it a specific button that is having issues mapping or does this happen on any button?
Can you try setting it to a different profile and checking to see if the issue occurs there as well?
Try resetting the K2 by pressing down the two buttons on top for about 6 seconds then releasing.
11/10/2022 2:28 PM
mapping is working now after resetting it, now when I press f2 to make it go to the game profile it only let me move with my mouse and my binds go weird again
11/10/2022 4:50 PM
F2 would be changing the mode within the K2's game profile. Try cycling through the modes and see which one is giving you issues, and which one is working.
What game profile are you using and what mode is it showing for F2?
11/14/2022 8:34 AM
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